The hand test
There are many situations where you won’t be able to use both hands for testing. In those cases, it’s necessary to be able to also obtain clear answers with one hand only. Even though the hand test can provide only a “yes” or “no” response and not reveal a small, medium or big “no,” as opposed to the arm-length test, it works perfectly—and it’s a quick test.
“Yes” or balance
“No” or stress
- For this test, take one of your hands in front of your body with the palm facing upward, as if you wanted to pick an apple from a tree. Now stretch out your fingers and keep them stretched out that way for the whole time.
- Then increase the tension in your hand to the maximum possible (this is only necessary when you start practicing the test; within a few minutes, you can carry out this test with a relaxed hand, while keeping your fingers stretched out).
- Now say “yes” and bring your thumb and little finger together so that their tips touch. In view of the high tension in your hand, this is only just possible.
- Then say “no” and try again to bring the tips of your thumb and little finger together, keeping your fingers stretched out. The word “no” further increases the existing tension so that the little finger can no longer move as far toward the thumb. The thumb, however, can still move in its metacarpophalangeal joint, and thus, it’s able to touch the small finger, albeit not at the tip but at another spot.
- As a result, you will obtain a clear visible difference in your hand when testing “yes” or “no” statements.
- Once you’ve determined a difference, you reduce the basic tension in your hand. You keep doing so until your hand is fully relaxed, while your fingers remain stretched out. If you achieve better results with your thumb and another finger, use that combination. Sometimes this test works better with one hand rather than the other. I usually use thumb and index finger for testing.