The arm-length test
Every day we have to make hundreds of decisions—small ones, big ones and very big ones. Who wouldn’t wish for some support here to make the right one? This support isn’t found outside but lies within yourself, just waiting for you to discover and utilize it.
Your body can react and show you whether something causes it stress or not. When you think of something positive or negative, your breathing, muscle tension, stance, emotion and much more changes.
But your body has an even much easier sign as a surprise in store for you: changing the length of your arms when saying or thinking something positive or negative. It works like an inner lie detector.
When you say “yes,” your arms are equally long when bringing them together in front of your body at its center.
When you say “no,” your arms differ in length when bringing them together in front of your body at its center.
When you imagine eating something that isn’t good for you, the length of your arms differs.
When you imagine wearing clothes that work well for you on that day, your arms are equally long.
Find your answers with the arm-length test:
And when you’ve learned to apply spherical vision, you will obtain reliable and objective test results.
The book on the arm-length test
You can find everything about the arm-length test in the book Yes/No: Using the Arm-Length Test for Instant Answers and Wellbeing
Buy this book